Hi, I am trying to implement SafeHtml with some parameters in the HTML
style atribute:

@Template("<div style=\"{0}\"><div style=
                                + "\"></div><div>{1}</div></div>")
                SafeHtml unsorted(SafeCSSWidth imageWidth, String text);

My SafeCSSWidth class implements SafeStyles, according to the contract
but the GWT compiler still outputs:
[INFO]                   Generating method body for unsorted()
[INFO]                      [WARN] Template with variable in CSS
attribute context: The template code generator cannot guarantee HTML-
safety of the template -- please inspect manually or use SafeStyle
s to specify arguments in a CSS attribute context
[INFO]    Compiling 1 permutation
[INFO]       Compiling permutation 0...

I am using GWT 2.3.0.
Any suggestions ?

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