
I am looking for ideas on how to approach the following:

I have a form and part of that form is a FileUpload widget for an
image.  After uploading I need to do a few other things like create a
thumbnail from the original.  The original might be of any size but
the thumbnail will result in a 50x50 pixel image.

I am doing this now based on the assumption that the most interesting
part of the image is the square starting at the upper left-hand corner
of the original image and who's sides are the smaller of the
original's height or width.  This is a poor assumption for all images.

What I would like to be able to do is upload the original image,
create a smaller version of the original that my form / the image
widget could then display.  Part of the display would have a square
"view port" that could be moved around the small version of the
original image.  Once the view port is "dropped" it would define a
"crop" region that would then become the thumbnail.

Does such a widget already exist?  If not can you suggest how [or if]
GWT could be used to create such a thing?  I can display the image, I
am not at all sure how to enable the view-port dragging.

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