Hello list, I have a GWT 2.2  application that the main UI is based on
a big TabLayoutPanel that use all the page size (100%), on a
particular tab of that I have a FlexTable with 3 rows:

- one FlexTable (width=100%, no heigth);
- one TabLayoutPanel (width=100%, no heigth);;
- one FlexTable (width=100%, no heigth);;

the two inner FlexTables has a small heigth and I set the rows height to:

        getFlexCellFormatter().setHeight(0, 0, "5%");
        getFlexCellFormatter().setHeight(1, 0, "90%");
        getFlexCellFormatter().setHeight(2, 0, "5%");

with this code on FireFox and Chrome the layout is perfect, but in
IInternet Explorer (8 & 9) I loose the bottom part of the inner
TabLayoutPanel and the last FlexTable...
Any hint to resolve this?
Luca Morettoni <luca(AT)morettoni.net> | http://www.morettoni.net
gtalk/msn: luca(AT)morettoni.net | http://twitter.com/morettoni
jugUmbria founder: https://jugUmbria.dev.java.net/ | skype: luca.morettoni
Member of Python User Group Perugia: http://www.pypg.org/

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