I had meanwhile included a typo in the url...this is correct now. The
problem persists

  HorizontalPanel hz = new HorizontalPanel();
                Image image = new Image("http://

On May 23, 3:14 pm, erebrus <ereb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That's the point, the code is as straight forward as it gets
>                 HorizontalPanel hz = new HorizontalPanel();
>                 Image image = new 
> Image("http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-
> snc4/154191_10150333363770634_542315633_16102394_1381308_n.jpg1");
>                 hz.add(image);
>                 RootPanel.get().add(hz);
> I also tried to prefetch it before, but nothing. In chrome the picture
> doesn't show up, but in other browsers it does.
> Any clue?
> On May 23, 12:54 pm, Max Jonas Werner <m...@maxwerner.de> wrote:
> > Hi erebrus,
> > without some code it'll be difficult to help you. Please post the code
> > snippet which creates your Image.
> > HTH
> > Max

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