Thanks Paul. Go to the Frame is not the best option. For example, if the 3rd
party javascript has popup window, it will be clipped within the Frame size.
So I am still struggling with just using HTML widget.

I found that it could all be the java script not loading when the HTML
widget is rendered. I am guessing that because I experimented add the java
script reference to the GWT base HTML and have the HTML widget only with the
"div id". On Firefox, the first load of the APP failed to display the
widget, but after a refresh(perhaps the javascript is cached), it will
display it correctly. on IE, it doesn't work.

So my current hope is : if I can find a way to dynamically load the
javascript in the code:

<script type='text/javascript'

HTML html = new HTML("<div id='searchform_634420069924922689'></div>");
"magic load the above javascript"

Can someone tell me whether I am heading the right direction or even know
the little magic?
Thanks a lot!

On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 6:53 AM, Paul Stockley <> wrote:

> You can hide the border on IE with a JSNI call.
>     private native void hideIFrameBorder(Element iframeEl) /*-{
>         iframeEl['frameBorder'] = '0';
>     }-*/;
>     private native void reloadIFrame(Element iframeEl) /*-{
>         iframeEl.contentWindow.location.reload(true);
>     }-*/;
> I also added a reload frame option as I couldn't find a way to reliably
> refresh a frame.
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