thats really strange. tables are created, but when i start a query i
get nothing, but the query should return one row.

On 1 Jun., 11:27, ArnoNyhm <> wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a problem with my embedde derby database. here is my web.xml:
>         <database >
>                 <driver>
>                         <type>org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver</type>
>                         <url>jdbc:derby:C:\Documents and
> Settings\*********\workspace1\contactApp\contactDB</url>
>                         <user>user</user>
>                         <password>user</password>
>                 </driver>
>         </database>
> is it correct?
> i start a rpc, but get a unexpected exception. if i test my method on
> server side, without rpc everything is working fine.

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