Hi, I have the exact same problem, but using a *ProvidesKey *doesn't seem to 
change anything; this is my exact context: 

- I have a custom column for a button: 

return new Column<Customer, String>(new ButtonCell()) {
            public final String getValue(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final 
Customer object) {
                return "Action";

            public final void onBrowserEvent(final Cell.Context context, 
final Element elem, final Customer customer,
                    final NativeEvent event) {
                if (event.getButton() == NativeEvent.BUTTON_LEFT) {
                    selectedCustomer = customer;

and a selection model: 

        final SingleSelectionModel<Customer> selectionModel = new 

I have now given both this selection model and the actual table, a 
ProvidesKey object: 

        final ProvidesKey<Customer> keyProvider = new 
ProvidesKey<Customer>() {
            public final Object getKey(final Customer customer) {
                return *customer.getId()*;

        customersTable = new CellTable<Customer>(*keyProvider*);
        final SingleSelectionModel<Customer> selectionModel = new 

When I do: *new JSONObject(editedCustomer).toString()*
I'm still getting the: "$H":1
in the output json. 
Any idea why this would be? 

Thanks, any help on this is appreciated. 

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