Hi, I'm a beginner with the architecture MVP Activities and Places.

Suppose I have two views: View1 and View2
(The two views have their own activity)

Now suppose that I have one Composite (named Composite A) used by the
two views. This Composite aggregate a textbox, display informations
and make call to the database.

Should I plug an activity over this Composite ? (In order to move the
logic and database calls inside an activity instead to do that inside
a view).

I tried the activity solution and this is the steps I did:

1) Create a new activity and place for the CompositeA. Move some
logics and database access inside it.
2) Create a container (SimplePanel) inside the View1 and View2 to
hosted the CompositeA
3) Inside the activity of View1 and View2 (in the start method) , I
instantiate the activity of the CompositeA and start it:

ActivityCompsiteA activityCompositeA = new ActivityCompositeA(new
ActivityCompositeAPlace(" "), clientFactory);
activityCompositeA.start(view1.getContainerForCompositeA(), eventBus);

It works fine, but maybe it exists a conventional way to do it?

Thank you

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