thx juan, sorry for the noise. i found out 1 hour ago that the problem
is with 99% percent probabilty related to restygwt. i'm happy i found
this, now we'll see if i can fix it ;)

keep you updated.

cheers, andi

On 14 Jun., 20:21, Juan Pablo Gardella <>
> Are you use third gwt libraries ? for example gin, etc.? What version of gwt
> are you use?
> 2011/6/14 pansen <>
> > hey guys,
> > i think we have a massive problem with the generated js sources for
> > production. we built a larger app and since now all worked like a
> > charm, we had not a single stopper.
> > at the moment there is a strange issue. when i use the static app it
> > seems like there is a confusion about the generic-type or the content
> > of it. let me first show you the gwttest i wrote to let you see what
> > happens::
> > package net.vz.common.widgets.client.profile.lastvisitors;
> > import java.util.List;
> > import java.util.logging.Logger;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import
> >;
> > import net.vz.common.widgets.client.bundles.UnifiedResources;
> > import net.vz.common.widgets.client.i18n.LocalMessages;
> > import net.vz.common.widgets.client.listitem.GenericImageSlider;
> > import net.vz.common.widgets.client.listitem.GenericList;
> > import net.vz.common.widgets.client.listitem.renderer.MinUserRenderer;
> > import
> > net.vz.common.widgets.client.simpleItem.inject.SimpleItemModule;
> > import net.vz.common.widgets.client.toolbox.custompanels.ListPanel;
> > import net.vz.common.widgets.client.toolbox.slideBar.SlideBarActivity;
> > import net.vz.common.widgets.client.toolbox.slideBar.SlideBarView;
> > import net.vz.common.widgets.client.toolbox.slideBar.SlideBarViewImpl;
> > import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Method;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > /**
> >  * try to reconstruct a production bug which seems to be caused by
> > wrong typing
> >  * from gwt??!
> >  *
> >  * @author abalke
> >  */
> > public class ProfileLastVisitorsActivityTestGwt extends GWTTestCase {
> >    private static final String userKey = "U:test_user";
> >    @Override
> >    public String getModuleName() {
> >        return SimpleItemModule.MODULE_NAME;
> >    }
> >    public void testDo() {
> >        LocalMessages localMessages = GWT.create(LocalMessages.class);
> >        UnifiedResources unifiedResources = new UnifiedResources();
> >        ListPanel ul = GWT.create(ListPanel.class);
> >        SlideBarView sidebarView = GWT.create(SlideBarViewImpl.class);
> >        SlideBarActivity slideBarActivity = new
> > SlideBarActivity(sidebarView);
> >        GenericList<MinUserDto> genericLinkList = new
> > GenericList<MinUserDto>(unifiedResources);
> >        GenericImageSlider<MinUserDto> slider = new
> > GenericImageSlider<MinUserDto>(
> >                ul, slideBarActivity, genericLinkList,
> > unifiedResources);
> >        ProfileLastVisitorsViewImpl__ view =
> >            new ProfileLastVisitorsViewImpl__(localMessages);
> >        UserService userService = GWT.create(UserService.class);
> >        MinUserRenderer renderer = new MinUserRenderer();
> >        AcceptsOneWidget panel = new SimplePanel();
> >        SimpleEventBus eventBus = new SimpleEventBus();
> >        ProfileLastVisitorsActivity a = new
> > ProfileLastVisitorsActivity(
> >                view, userService, slider, renderer) {
> >            protected void loadLastVisitors(String userId) {
> >                userService.getLastVisitors(userId, new
> > SimpleMethodCallback<GenericListDto<MinUserDto>>() {
> >                    @Override
> >                    public void onSuccess(Method method,
> > GenericListDto<MinUserDto> response) {
> >                        List<MinUserDto> items = response.getItems();
> >                        if (Registry.canLog()) {
> > Logger.getLogger(ProfileLastVisitorsActivity.class.getName())
> >                                .info("got a list of " +
> > MinUserDto.class + ": " );
> > Logger.getLogger(ProfileLastVisitorsActivity.class.getName())
> >                                .info("... " + items.get(0));
> >                        }
> >                        slider.render(items);
> > view.setLastVisitorsOverallCount(response.getCount());
> >              ;
> >                        // in production, here is a wrong type
> >                        assertEquals(MinUserDto.class,
> > items.get(0).getClass());
> >                        assertEquals(true,
> > ((ProfileLastVisitorsViewImpl__)view).getShowState());
> >                        finishTest();
> >                    }
> >                });
> >            }
> >        };
> >        a.start(panel, eventBus);
> >        // the widget wants only to be loaded when this is my user
> >        Registry.MY_USER_ID = userKey;
> >        assertEquals(false, view.getShowState());
> >        a.update(userKey);
> >        delayTestFinish(5 * 1000);
> >    }
> >    class ProfileLastVisitorsViewImpl__ extends
> > ProfileLastVisitorsViewImpl {
> >        private boolean isShown = false;
> >        public ProfileLastVisitorsViewImpl__(LocalMessages
> > localMessages) {
> >            super(localMessages);
> >        }
> >        @Override
> >        public void show(boolean b) {
> >            isShown = b;
> >  ;
> >        }
> >        public boolean getShowState() {
> >            return isShown;
> >        }
> >    }
> > }
> > in production mode (static compile) i see in the logs that there is a
> > list of type ``A`` containing the first element of type ``B`` on this
> > place, which is overridden in the test above::
> >    protected void loadLastVisitors(String userId) {
> >        userService.getLastVisitors(userId, new
> > SimpleMethodCallback<GenericListDto<MinUserDto>>() {
> >            @Override
> >            public void onSuccess(Method method,
> > GenericListDto<MinUserDto> response) {
> >                List<MinUserDto> items = response.getItems();
> >                if (Registry.canLog()) {
> > Logger.getLogger(ProfileLastVisitorsActivity.class.getName())
> >                        .info("should have a list of " +
> > MinUserDto.class + ", first element is a: " +items.get(0));
> >                }
> >                slider.render(items);
> >                view.setLastVisitorsOverallCount(response.getCount());
> >      ;
> >            }
> >        });
> >    }
> > in result of that i get a classcastexception - but only in compiled
> > production code. neither the integration-test, nor the hosted mode
> > with exactly the same backend-responses fails.
> > my question is now: have you ever seen an issue with type-confusion in
> > a bigger context? what should i do to come to a result with this
> > issue. if you tell me where to look in the compiled code i can try to
> > reduce the setup.
> > as a last option i only see to reduce my project to a minimum size
> > where the error still occurs to send it to you and file a bug.
> > any hints are greatly appreciated.
> > andi
> > --
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