since some weeks or probably months i walk through 
gwt-mvp/activities/places-forest. i read/wrote many posts here and got many 
answers. at the end i desided to tried to separate MVP from activities and 
places (like thomas broyer suggested at many places). (for example here: 
"Activities however are in no way related to MVP: you can use activities 
without doing MVP, and you can (and you probably will if your UI is complex) 
do MVP outside activities.")
my question is: is my interpretation of separating these concepts is ok and 
at least good (lately i stumbled across some difficulties). So what i did is 
to let one activity control/start many "presenters". Per place i only have 
one activity and one activity mapper. at first sight a very elegant and easy 
thing but first problems arise if i want to go to same place with some state 
change (reflecting user interactions in history). all example code i saw 
about this is going to another place (goTo(samePlace(butOtherState))) but 
this yields in starting the hole activity again (probably it's a chached 
activity - doesn't matter in my case).
Is there any way to keep on same place but change a token of this place? 
probably by implementing setToken on a place?! My activity would do 
something like this:
//instead of goTo(place)
private reflectstateChange(string state){

Is this a good way to go? Or should i switched to presenters are activities 
style with many mappers like Mauro Bertapelle is showing in his very good 
example <>?

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