actually i think there should be no code activity mapper as the place itself
should contain the logic on what activity it should be refferred, for each
new place activity combo i have to go though lots of boiler plate code which
is really redudent..

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:

> We built a micro-framework on top of Activities, specialized in a few
> places for editors and/or RF, but it was only to enforce best practices
> because the team was new to GWT, new to MVP, new dependency injection, new
> to many things.
> For instance, we're using singleton views with disposable presenters (and
> our presenters are our activities; or, our activities are presenters,
> depending on how you look at it ;-) ), so we built a subclass of
> AbstractActivity that enforces that the view is only used between start()
> and onCancel/onStop, and that the AcceptsOneWidget passed to the start()
> method is never called back after onCancel/onStop, and a few others things
> like that. It's a very prescriptive and restrictive API, that helped
> everyone getting on board, but as someone who knows what I'm supposed to do,
> it feels overly restrictive for me, and I sometimes regret to have built it.
> I don't think there's a need for such "framework", what's needed is only a
> set of best practices (and then, if possible, a set of tools to check that
> they are followed). But those best practices are probably not the same for
> everyone: should the activities be presenters (in the MVP pattern)? should
> they be disposable or singleton? should views be singletons?
> The main missing tool IMO is one to help generate ActivityMappers (similar
> to how PlaceHistoryMappers can be generated too).
> --
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