On 20 June 2011 11:59, Nathan Klatt <n8kl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've inherited a GWT project and I'm receiving the following compiler error
> (more info below):
> [java] [ERROR] Line 51: No source code is available for type
> java.lang.NoSuchFieldError; did you forget to inherit a required module?
> It's complaining about a core part of the language here, right? Why is it
> looking for source code for it at all? Is it not finding one of the core jar
> files? Do I need to point it at something in the ant build.xml file?

GWT doesn't support *everything* available in the Java core libraries.

> For testing purposes, I followed all the GWT instructions, used
> webAppCreator to generate a "Hello, world." app, and that builds and runs
> just fine. I added a simple try...catch(NoSuchFieldError err) - and an
> import java.lang.NoSuchFieldError line - and it gave me the error.
> I'm new to this Java/GWT stuff so I suspect I'm missing something obvious -
> I'd love it if you could point out exactly what! :)

Without knowing why you want to catch NoSuchFieldError, I'd say the
"obvious" answer is not to catch NoSuchFieldError. :-) Try it with
e.g. IllegalStateException instead (assuming you just want to test
exception handling).

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