Great, lots to play with :)

Before I look into writing my own JSNI bridge, I've still been trying
to use gwt-exporter, but.....

I've three GWT applications:-
(1) Plugin (inherits "Common")
(2) Backend (inherits "Common")
(3) Common


  echoButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {

    public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
      //Debugging statements shown --> shows 'callback' is not null
      PluginCallback<String> callback = getPluginCallback();
      Window.alert("Plugin.onModuleLoad.onClick.callback is " +
(callback != null ? "not " : "") + "null");

      echo(text.getText(), callback);


  private native void echo(String text, PluginCallback<String>
callback) /*-{
    //Debugging statements shown --> shows 'callback' is not null
    alert("Plugin.echo.callback is " + (callback != null ? "not " :
"") + "null");

    $, callback);


  public void onModuleLoad() {
    //Use gwt-exporter to generate the JSNI for CommonService.class

CommonService is:-

  public class CommonService implements Exportable {

    private static final EchoServiceAsync echoService =

    public static void echo(String input, PluginCallback<String>
callback) {
      //Debugging statements shown --> shows 'callback' is null
      Window.alert("CommonService.echo.callback is " + (callback !=
null ? "not " : "") + "null");
      try {

        //The guts of the method, invoke a GWT-RPC call --> RTE, as
'callback' is null
        echoService.echo(input, callback);

      } catch (Exception e) {


Simply defines PluginCallback, as follows:-

  public class PluginCallback<T> implements AsyncCallback<T> {
    public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {}
    public void onSuccess(T result) {}

My problem is that the PluginCallback instance is proven to be non-
null in "Plugin" (both Java and JSNI methods), but is reported as null
in "Backends" CommonService.

Somewhere it is getting munged, but I only pass a Java Object from
"Plugin" to JSNI (echo) to Java (CommonService) so don't understand
why it's being nulled?!?!

Any ideas (I'll post as a new question if you don't see anything
wrong, so it gets seen by a new audience as opposed to those just
following this thread).



On Jun 21, 7:32 pm, lemaiol <> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> > I am growing to believe I need to deploy each plug-in as a separate
> > WAR on a web-server. Is this true, or have I missed something?
> In the case of my architecture, it is even a requirement that every
> plugin will be deployed as an own WAR file. It allows different teams
> working in parallel in completely independent applications (plugins)
> which have a common "message data model". When inside the plugins
> container, they receive messages with this "common data model". When
> out of the plugins container, the show a simplified UI to let the
> developer pass a "message" generated by hand and therefore test the
> application.
> > I am also using gwt-exporter to make the JSNI messaging mechanism;
> > i.e. I just write an "Exportable" class and use the resulting JS API
> > from my plugins. I am hoping to use gwt-api-interop to remove the need
> > to use the JS API.
> I have seen gwt-exporter but do not know gwt-api-interop.
> > I assume the JS "bridge" between GWT applications handles the
> > messaging between them (i.e. plugins register callbacks to handle
> > messages sent from the "host"?)
> Yes.
> > If I understand correctly, adding additional script tags to my
> > "loader" page and having each plug-in as a separate WAR I avoid the
> > need to inherit in my gwt.xml file?
> My common model and plugin base classes live in a common GWT module
> that each plugin inherits.
> > An example of your use of JavaScriptObject in your messaging sub-
> > system would be interesting....
> // Application specific common model
>  public final class CustomerInfo extends ModuleInfo {
>     protected CustomerInfo() {
>     }
>     public native String getId() /*-{
>         return;
>     }-*/;
>     public native void setId(String id) /*-{
> = id;
>     }-*/;
> }
> // Base class for common models - no functionality as of now
> public class ModuleInfo extends JavaScriptObject {
>     protected ModuleInfo() {
>     }
> }
> // To be implemented by every module
> public interface IModule<T extends ModuleInfo> {
>     public String getName();
>     public void dispatch(String containerId, T moduleInfo);
> }
> // To be implemented by the main module or classes interested in
> module lifecycle events
> public interface IModuleAware<T extends ModuleInfo> {
>     public void onModuleAttached(Module<T> module);
> }
> // Durable callback implementation - Because it uses JSNI, can be
> inherited from GWT modules but it is interoperable. Avoids using gwt-
> exporter
> public final class ModuleListener<T extends ModuleInfo> extends
> JavaScriptObject {
>     protected ModuleListener() {
>     }
>     public void onModuleAttached(Module<T> module) {
>         invokeCallback(getCallback(), module);
>     }
>     private native void invokeCallback(JavaScriptObject callback,
> Module<T> module) /*-{
>         this.callback(module);
>     }-*/;
>     private native JavaScriptObject getCallback() /*-{
>         return this.callback;
>     }-*/;
>     public native void setCallback(JavaScriptObject callback) /*-{
>         this.callback = callback;
>     }-*/;
> }
> // Support for common modules functionality (static methods)
> public abstract class ModulesSupport {
>     public static <T extends ModuleInfo> boolean
> registerAsListener(IModuleAware<T> instance) {
>         ModulesConfig<T> modulesConfig = getModulesConfig();
>         boolean result = null != modulesConfig;
>         if (result) {
>             modulesConfig.registerListener(createListener(instance));
>         }
>         return result;
>     }
>     public static <T extends ModuleInfo> boolean
> registerAsModule(IModule<T> module) {
>         ModulesConfig modulesConfig = ModulesConfig.get();
>         boolean result = null != modulesConfig;
>         if (result) {
>             modulesConfig.attach(module.getName(),
> createDispatchCallback(module));
>         }
>         return result;
>     }
>     public static <T extends ModuleInfo> ModulesConfig<T>
> getModulesConfig() {
>         return ModulesConfig.get();
>     }
>     private static <T extends ModuleInfo> ModuleListener<T>
> createListener(IModuleAware<T> instance) {
>         ModuleListener<T> result =
> JavaScriptObject.createObject().cast();
>         result.setCallback(createListenerCallback(instance));
>         return result;
>     }
>     private static native JavaScriptObject
> createListenerCallback(IModuleAware instance) /*-{
>         return function(module) {
> instan...@org.myexample.modules.client.IModuleAware::onModuleAttached(Lorg/
> myexample/modules/client/Module;)(module);
>         };
>     }-*/;
>     private static native JavaScriptObject
> createDispatchCallback(IModule instance) /*-{
>         return function(containerId, moduleInfo) {
> instan...@org.myexample.modules.client.IModule::dispatch(Ljava/lang/
> String;Lorg/myexample/modules/client/ModuleInfo;)(containerId,
> moduleInfo);
>         };
>     }-*/;
> }
> Hope it helps,
> Berto

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