I'm running through the StockWatcher example. The ant targets test.dev
and test.prod run fine, but I cannot run the test in manual mode. Per
the instructions (http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/

"Manual-mode test targets are not generated by the webAppCreator tool,
but you can easily create one by copying the test.prod ant target in
the build.xml file to test.manual and adding -runStyle Manual:1 to the
-Dgwt.args part."

So I copy target test.prod to test.manual and modify the gwt.args
sysproperty to read

<sysproperty key="gwt.args" value="-prod -logLevel WARN -out www-test -
runStyle Manual:1" />

I also change reports/htmlunit.prod to reports/htmlunit.manual.
However while test.dev and test.prod complete in under a minute,
test.manual hangs, never responding with the "Please navigate your
browser..." message, even after several minutes. The file reports/
com.google.gwt.sample.stockwatcher.client.StockWatcherTest.txt has
only one line: "Testsuite:

I am running GWT 2.3.0, Java 1.6.0_26, and JUnit 4.8.1 on Linux.

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