Hi there,

Trying to make my way around GWT and request factory, I'm currently
trying to receive a list of EntityProxies from the server, I am using
locators and as such I might be making a mistake there somewhere.

I am able to receive a single EntityProxy but when I pull through a
List<EntityProxy>, a list of the correct size is pulled through, but
each item is the exact same object (well copies of), namely the first
item repeated.

Here is my Receiver code:

Receiver<List<EmptyObjectProxy>> emptyObjectReceiver = new
Receiver<List<EmptyObjectProxy>>() {
  public void onSuccess(List<EmptyObjectProxy> response) {
    Window.alert(response.size() + "");
    emptyObjectViewTable.setRowData(0, response);
    emptyObjectViewTable.setRowCount(response.size(), true);

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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