The info is quite valuable. Thanks.

BTW. The application shows blank page in IE9 but works fine in the latest 
Firefox and Chrome.

To Alain: By "run real java code" I mean the java code (business logic) 
should not be compiled to javascript (with the GWT compiler). Instead it 
should run natively on a JVM.

On Thursday, July 14, 2011 11:56:54 AM UTC+8, Craig Mitchell wrote:
> I have done this.  I embedded GWT inside a Jetty server and ran it on the 
> users PC.  It all launches from a JNLP file.
> You can check it out if you like  (still 
> very much in beta, but shows you downloading and running a GWT web server).
> BTW:  Most companies I know of are trying to get away from using Swing.

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