I believe requestfactory and new feature such as cell widget and cell
table should be development paradigm to work in tandem, but I found
that they might not work as  expected, I don't know it's a bug or just
I don't know how to use it right.

The symptom is when using entity proxy as the <T> in celltable and
selectionModel creation process, onSelectionChange event won't be
triggered; if I get rid of keyProvider in selectionModel and celltable
creation ,the onSelectionChange will be triggered, but I still can not
get the selected object by using ' selected =
Below is entity proxy,celltable creation code snippet:

public interface ContactProxy extends EntityProxy {
  Long getId();

  String getName();

  String getAddress();

  void setName(String name);

  void setAddress(String address);

  void setId(Long id);

*cellTable creation
  private void createTable() {
    table = new CellTable<ContactProxy>(keyProvider);

    // Create name column
    TextColumn<ContactProxy> nameColumn = new
TextColumn<ContactProxy>() {
      public String getValue(ContactProxy object) {
        return object.getName();

    // Create address column
    TextColumn<ContactProxy> addressColumn = new
TextColumn<ContactProxy>() {
      public String getValue(ContactProxy object) {
        return object.getAddress();

    // Add a selection model to handle user selection.
    final SingleSelectionModel<ContactProxy> selectionModel =
        new SingleSelectionModel<ContactProxy>(keyProvider);
SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() {
      public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) {

        ContactProxy selected = selectionModel.getSelectedObject();
        Window.alert("ok" + selected.getId());
        if (selected != null) {

    table.addColumn(nameColumn, "Name");
    table.addColumn(addressColumn, "Address");


my guess is selectionModel does not welcome interface, is that right?
thank you .

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