Sorry i haven't noticed vp is panel not list ;)
so in java you have sth like that:

List<FocusPanel> slots;
@UiField FlowPanel slotTargetPanel;

@UiFactory FocusPanel void addSlot() {
   FocusPanel slot = new FocusPanel();
   return slot;

in ui.xml:

<!-- your root ui element -->
                <p>Some sample html ...</p>

                <g:FlowPanel ui:field="slotTargetPanel">
                <!-- slots will contain now 3 elements -->

                <g:HTML>Some sample widget</g:HTML>

in fact slotTargetPanel is not needed for that - you could stick
Focuspanels anywhere in your ui file - as you have an uifactory method
for creatign FlowPanels.

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