thanks, committed patch here :

On 26 juil, 22:43, Gal Dolber <> wrote:
> I am, but your post is too long to read :)
> For what I understood, I had a similar problem, and I solved it
> encapsulating the "create widgetC" in a DeferredCommand (for your example).
> Its really hard for me to understand the modification you purpose, maybe
> someone from google could see it.
> But I think that if you found a better way of doing something you should
> send a patch and make us all 
> happy you will get
> more help in than here)
> Regards!
> // on the WidgetA.EventType reception is decided to create a widget C
> create widgetC
> On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 5:11 PM, <
>> wrote:
> > No body concerned ?
> > On 25 juil, 10:50, "" <>
> > wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I'm facing a problem when using the simple implementation of the
> > > EventBus.
> > > // register widget B to be notified when WidgetA trigger an event
> > > register handler of WidgetB on WidgetA.EventType
> > > // dispatch (firingDepth is incremented)
> > > WidgetA.fireEvent
> > > // my widget is really called !!! that's good news
> > > WidgetB.onWidgetAEvent
> > > // on the WidgetA.EventType reception is decided to create a widget C
> > > create widgetC
> > > // this widget register himself to be notified on widgetB events ->
> > > here the widget is registered in the deferredDeltas map (enqueueing)
> > > register handler of widgetC on WidgetB.EventType
> > > // widget B fired an event which is never trapped by the widget C
> > > because the handler of Widget C is in the deferredDeltas AND
> > > firingDepth is not 0
> > > WidgetB.fireEvent
> > > I'm doubtful because I was expected Widget C to receive event from
> > > Widget B. A work around is to encapsulate the WidgetB.fireEvent into a
> > > DeferredCommand but it's not really a solution.
> > > An other solution is to reconsider the usage of firingDepth, I don't
> > > really know why it is used (actually I know, but avoid concurrency
> > > modification that way leads to the upper that strange behavior).
> > > In simple implementation (thread safe) will be to get rid of the usage
> > > of this firingDepth/deferredDeltas and that getHandlerList return a
> > > copy of the handlers to go through and that's it:
> > > We insert directly the handler when they request for registration and
> > > we fire on the current map of handlers
> > > Below is a possible implementation of what I think is a better
> > > implementation (behaviorally speaking) :
> > > package;
> > > import java.util.ArrayList;
> > > import java.util.Collections;
> > > import java.util.HashMap;
> > > import java.util.HashSet;
> > > import java.util.List;
> > > import java.util.ListIterator;
> > > import java.util.Map;
> > > import java.util.Set;
> > > import;
> > > public class MySimpleEventBus extends EventBus {
> > >     private final boolean isReverseOrder;
> > >     /**
> > >      * Map of event type to map of event source to list of their
> > > handlers.
> > >      */
> > >     private final Map<Event.Type<?>, Map<Object, List<?>>> map =
> > >         new HashMap<Event.Type<?>, Map<Object, List<?>>>();
> > >     public MySimpleEventBus() {
> > >       this(false);
> > >     }
> > >     /**
> > >      * Allows creation of an instance that fires its handlers in the
> > > reverse of
> > >      * the order in which they were added, although filtered handlers
> > > all fire
> > >      * before unfiltered handlers.
> > >      * <p>
> > >      *
> > >      * @deprecated This is a legacy feature, required by GWT's old
> > > HandlerManager.
> > >      *             Reverse order is not honored for handlers tied to a
> > > specific
> > >      *             event source (via {@link #addHandlerToSource}.
> > >      */
> > >     @Deprecated
> > >     protected MySimpleEventBus(boolean fireInReverseOrder) {
> > >       isReverseOrder = fireInReverseOrder;
> > >     }
> > >     @Override
> > >     public <H> HandlerRegistration addHandler(Type<H> type, H handler)
> > > {
> > >       return doAdd(type, null, handler);
> > >     }
> > >     @Override
> > >     public <H> HandlerRegistration addHandlerToSource(final
> > > Event.Type<H> type, final Object source,
> > >         final H handler) {
> > >       if (source == null) {
> > >         throw new NullPointerException("Cannot add a handler with a
> > > null source");
> > >       }
> > >       return doAdd(type, source, handler);
> > >     }
> > >     @Override
> > >     public void fireEvent(Event<?> event) {
> > >       doFire(event, null);
> > >     }
> > >     @Override
> > >     public void fireEventFromSource(Event<?> event, Object source) {
> > >       if (source == null) {
> > >         throw new NullPointerException("Cannot fire from a null
> > > source");
> > >       }
> > >       doFire(event, source);
> > >     }
> > >     /**
> > >      * @deprecated required by legacy features in GWT's old
> > > HandlerManager
> > >      */
> > >     @Deprecated
> > >     protected <H> void doRemove(Event.Type<H> type, Object source, H
> > > handler) {
> > >         doRemoveNow(type, source, handler);
> > >     }
> > >     /**
> > >      * @deprecated required by legacy features in GWT's old
> > > HandlerManager
> > >      */
> > >     @Deprecated
> > >     protected <H> H getHandler(Event.Type<H> type, int index) {
> > >       assert index < getHandlerCount(type) : "handlers for " +
> > > type.getClass() + " have size: "
> > >           + getHandlerCount(type) + " so do not have a handler at
> > > index: " + index;
> > >       List<H> l = getHandlerList(type, null);
> > >       return l.get(index);
> > >     }
> > >     /**
> > >      * @deprecated required by legacy features in GWT's old
> > > HandlerManager
> > >      */
> > >     @Deprecated
> > >     protected int getHandlerCount(Event.Type<?> eventKey) {
> > >       return getHandlerList(eventKey, null).size();
> > >     }
> > >     /**
> > >      * @deprecated required by legacy features in GWT's old
> > > HandlerManager
> > >      */
> > >     @Deprecated
> > >     protected boolean isEventHandled(Event.Type<?> eventKey) {
> > >       return map.containsKey(eventKey);
> > >     }
> > >     private <H> HandlerRegistration doAdd(final Event.Type<H> type,
> > > final Object source,
> > >         final H handler) {
> > >       if (type == null) {
> > >         throw new NullPointerException("Cannot add a handler with a
> > > null type");
> > >       }
> > >       if (handler == null) {
> > >         throw new NullPointerException("Cannot add a null handler");
> > >       }
> > >       doAddNow(type, source, handler);
> > >       return new HandlerRegistration() {
> > >         public void removeHandler() {
> > >           doRemove(type, source, handler);
> > >         }
> > >       };
> > >     }
> > >     private <H> void doAddNow(Event.Type<H> type, Object source, H
> > > handler) {
> > >       List<H> l = ensureHandlerList(type, source);
> > >       l.add(handler);
> > >     }
> > >     private <H> void doFire(Event<H> event, Object source) {
> > >       if (event == null) {
> > >         throw new NullPointerException("Cannot fire null event");
> > >       }
> > >       try {
> > >         if (source != null) {
> > >           event.setSource(source);
> > >         }
> > >         List<H> handlers = getDispatchList(event.getAssociatedType(),
> > > source);
> > >         Set<Throwable> causes = null;
> > >         ListIterator<H> it =
> > >             isReverseOrder ? handlers.listIterator(handlers.size()) :
> > > handlers.listIterator();
> > >         while (isReverseOrder ? it.hasPrevious() : it.hasNext()) {
> > >           H handler = isReverseOrder ? it.previous() :;
> > >           try {
> > >             event.dispatch(handler);
> > >           } catch (Throwable e) {
> > >             if (causes == null) {
> > >               causes = new HashSet<Throwable>();
> > >             }
> > >             causes.add(e);
> > >           }
> > >         }
> > >         if (causes != null) {
> > >           throw new UmbrellaException(causes);
> > >         }
> > >       } finally {
> > >         // no more to do
> > >       }
> > >     }
> > >     private <H> void doRemoveNow(Event.Type<H> type, Object source, H
> > > handler) {
> > >       List<H> l = getHandlerList(type, source);
> > >       boolean removed = l.remove(handler);
> > >       assert removed : "redundant remove call";
> > >       if (removed && l.isEmpty()) {
> > >         prune(type, source);
> > >       }
> > >     }
> > >     private <H> List<H> ensureHandlerList(Event.Type<H> type, Object
> > > source) {
> > >       Map<Object, List<?>> sourceMap = map.get(type);
> > >       if (sourceMap == null) {
> > >         sourceMap = new HashMap<Object, List<?>>();
> > >         map.put(type, sourceMap);
> > >       }
> > >       // safe, we control the puts.
> > >       @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
> > >       List<H> handlers = (List<H>) sourceMap.get(source);
> > >       if (handlers == null) {
> > >         handlers = new ArrayList<H>();
> > >         sourceMap.put(source, handlers);
> > >       }
> > >       return handlers;
> > >     }
> > >    /**
> > >     * Return a copy of handlers to dispatch event to
> > >     */
> > >     private <H> List<H> getDispatchList(Event.Type<H> type, Object
> > > source) {
> > >       List<H> directHandlers = getHandlerList(type, source);
> > >       if (source == null) {
> > >         return new ArrayList<H>(directHandlers);
> > >       }
> > >       List<H> globalHandlers = getHandlerList(type, null);
> > >       List<H> rtn = new ArrayList<H>(directHandlers);
> > >       rtn.addAll(globalHandlers);
> > >       return rtn;
> > >     }
> > >     private <H> List<H> getHandlerList(Event.Type<H> type, Object
> > > source) {
> > >       Map<Object, List<?>> sourceMap = map.get(type);
> > >       if (sourceMap == null) {
> > >         return Collections.emptyList();
> > >       }
> > >       // safe, we control the puts.
> > >       @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
> > >       List<H> handlers = (List<H>) sourceMap.get(source);
> > >       if (handlers == null) {
> ...
> plus de détails »

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