STS 2.7.1  Eclipse Indigo, latest and greatest GPE (GWT 2.3).

1. To define the GWT modules avail for compilation:
Project Properties -> Google -> GWT.

2. To compile modules:
Click on little red compile icon and proceed with compiling.

3. To selectively compile modules without permanently removing them
from list of GWT modules:
Click on little red compile icon, remove modules you don't want to
include in the compilation run. And click on [Compile].

Unfortunately step 3 is no longer working. If you remove any module
from the list after pressing the little red compile icon, those
modules will be permanently removed from the list. And then you would
have to add them back.

If I wanted to permanently remove modules, I should either click
[Apply] or do it at Project Properties -> Google -> GWT, right?

Clicking on the [Compile] button should not remove any modules (which
I had removed from the list within the compile dialog), RIGHT?

It is convenient to be able to exclude modules from a compilation run,
without removing them permanently from the list of modules in the
project, RIGHT?

It is a bug, not a change in feature, RIGHT? So, pls transform the bug
back into a feature.

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