I replaced RootPanel with RootLayoutPanel.

Here is the EntryPoint from HelloMVP:

 private SimplePanel appWidget = new SimplePanel();
 RootPanel.get().add( appWidget );
 activityManager.setDisplay( appWidget );

I replaced RootPanel with RootLayoutPanel:

 private SimplePanel appWidget = new SimplePanel();
 RootLayoutPanel.get().add( appWidget );
 activityManager.setDisplay( appWidget );

Maybe I'm a little too naive in thinking that would do much.

Also, when I look at the page source generated, it appears a DOCTYPE
is already there.  Here is the page source generated by the GWT app

 <!doctype html>
 <!-- The DOCTYPE declaration above will set the    -->
 <!-- browser's rendering engine into               -->
 <!-- "Standards Mode". Replacing this declaration  -->
 <!-- with a "Quirks Mode" doctype may lead to some -->
 <!-- differences in layout.                        -->

If I create a simple GWT app (not Activities & Places) and plop a
DockLayoutPanel in the RootPanel, it just works.  Fills the page
nicely without having to add any onResize handlers.  Is there a reason
why adding handlers would be needed in an Activities & Places
framework (such as that provided by HelloMVP)?  I'd like to understand
that a bit more.

On Aug 15, 4:44 am, "P.G.Taboada" <pgtabo...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> You need rootlayoutpanel, the host page should be in standards mode
> ( see doctype declaration).
> Then you should look if all the panels being used implement provides
> resize/ requires resize. That is the way resize events get propagated
> to child elements in gwt.
> On Aug 15, 8:00 am, Mike Dee <mdichiapp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Getting started with Activities and Places.  I'd like to use a
> > DockLayoutPanel to comprise the entire view (page).  When I try, it
> > doesn't work.
> > Note I'm using HelloMVP is a starting point and that in the EntryPoint
> > a SimplePanel is set up as the default Panel.  I've tried adding a
> > DockLayoutPanel to that.  I also tried first adding a VerticalPanel
> > and then a DockLayoutPanel based on some suggestions here.
> > The DockLayoutPanel simply doesn't display.  This was also mentioned
> > in this message from last Oct:http://tinyurl.com/3z8mn4v.  The
> > resolution there was to adjust the positioning styles to be absolute.
> > However, they appear to already be absolute.
> > I've played around with setting the width and height of the parent
> > (SimplePanel) panel to 100%.  I've changed RootPanel to
> > RootLayoutPanel in onLoadModule.  Nothing seems to work.  Seems like
> > this would be something that is commonly done OR am I heading down the
> > wrong path?
> > Any ideas?
> > Mike

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