I have this gwt app which say, runs on http://mygwtapp.com/ (which is actually: http://mygwtapp.com/index.html)

The application host a database of users, queried by searching usernames using the search view and results are shown in the user results view. Pretty useful enough. However I need to bb add a way that user view can be viewed by just typing http://myapp.com/user123

I am thinking that the question I have here, the answer is a server side solution. However if there's a client side solution, please let me know.

One fellow here in StackOVerflow suggested that the format would be like this: mygwtapp.com/index.html#user123 however the format is important to be like: http://myapp.com/user123

I have tried using GWT Fragment Identifier approach well and works well when the app is in debug mode and when deployed in Tomcat it works when the main page has loaded already. This approach though it works the page is not bookmark-able, i.e. when users type http://myapp.com/index.html#user123 in the browser I get a blank page.

Is there any way to achieve this kind of feature?

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