> Why can I directly access them using the url that it is being reported
> GWT can not find them at.
> I mean:
> /images/panel/top.gif  ---> is found
> /images/panel/bottom.gif --> is not found by gwt but can be accessed
> by using the link DevTools says GWT says it's not at.
> It's just beyond crazy.

Yuck.  I will guess that using RunAsync to split code is the cause.

The urls are relative so if called from javascript placed in
/deferredjs/somehash2345, then I guess they can not resolve.

Taking out RunAsnyc seems to work (in GAE devmode at least).

I can't understand though since the script calling from
/deferredjs/somehash2345 seems to find some .gifs but not others.

So, it seems related to RunAsync but exactly how or why I can't say.

Yuck.  This sucks.


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