On Sep 9, 9:53 am, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess it would now be possible yes.
> I'm still not sure how it would be an improvement though, unless you intend
> to serialize the commands somewhere (localStorage?) to play them later, but
> even then you could add a field telling which method to call, i.e. doing the
> "dispatch" on the cilent-side rather than the server-side.

I haven't had time to wrap my head around RequestFactory, so I'm not
sure whether to interpret your reply as a reaction to command-pattern
RPC in general, or to command-pattern RPC using RequestFactory in

The way the general idea is sold does include the ability to use
localStorage as one of the bullet points, but also that single
leverage point enables things like caching, batching, centralized
failure handling, and centralized instrumentation for phoning-home
some client-side performance statistics.  And, architecturally, it is
said to lay the groundwork for organizing your app in a way that makes
adding runAsync split-points easier, and that if you ever need to add
an undo/redo mechanism then using the command pattern means you're
already most of the way there.

Are you saying that RequestFactory already brings these things to the
table, and that the command-pattern RPC popularized by rjrjr has been
obviated by RequestFactory?  If so, then RequestFactory sounds very
cool.   Perhaps I have dismissed it unfairly as being something nice
for simple CRUD apps but maybe not appropriate for other kinds of

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