I think this maybe be a bug with GWT (but I'm not sure).

I'm running my app under https/ssl, in IE (7 & 8) I get an "Operation
Exception" (Network Error) if I set a previsouly created Image
widget's url to an unsecured url (which causes IE to popup a dialog
asking the user for permission).

The following code causes an exception to be thrown (using HTTPS/SSL
self signed certs):

public class TestingDeferImageLoad implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {

        final Image image = new Image();

        Timer deferImageLoad = new Timer() {

            public void run() {
                try {
                } catch(Exception e) {




Without SSL everything works fine. Obviously I can catch/handle the
exception but should I have to? - It was a pain to track down.

Note: I've mirrored the same code in vanilla Javascript without the
Exception being thrown.

Although it's a bit of an edge case, has anyone else come accross this
problem? Should I file a bug??


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