On Tuesday, September 20, 2011 9:21:14 AM UTC+2, msanztru wrote:
> I thought about implementing a servlet filter where I would "decript" the 
> request and see what was the target service and grant or deny acces 
> depending if the user was logged in or not. But I couldn't figure out how to 
> do it... (any ideas :)

Use a ServiceLayerDecorator where you override/implement the invoke() 

FWIW, we put annotations on our service methods, and a ServiceLayerDecorator 
grants access to them after checking the current user's role against the one 
required to call the method (similar to 
 the JavaEE or JAX-RS world). In our app, the user has to be 
authenticated, so we have a servlet filter and RequestTransport much like in 
the Expenses sample). That wouldn't work well for anonymous access (if you 
let anonymous users in, then you cannot easily communicate back a lack of 
authentication), hence my proposal of using a different URL in that case 
(either you use the "open" end point, and an error could mean that you tried 
to call a method requiring authentication –that would be a bug in your app, 
or a potential attack–, or you user the "secured" end point and an error 
could mean that you tried to call a method requiring different privileges 
–again, that would probably mean a bug in your app, or a potential attack, 
or possibly that the privileges of the user have changed between the time 
the UI showed him the actions it could perform, and the time it actually 
performs them, but that's something you have to deal with in every 
client-server app; in our app, we cache the user's roles in the session, so 
that even if you change his privileges, they won't be taken into account 
until he logs out and in again–).

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