
I created a GWT application integrated with my current web site based
on php under Apache. The data exchange is made in JSON so no problem
for integrating these two technologies. The problem I have now is
almost during the stabilization phase of my development because I want
to debug the client side and the server side. The comiled GWT
application is copied into my htdocs of the Apache webserver. I have
these possibilities:
1. either I start the debug mode for the server side in Eclipse, but
in this case I don't see the GWT application in the browser launched
by Eclipse -> I can debug the server side but I don't have the client
side for making interractions.
2. I start the GWT application in debug mode under Eclipse but in this
case the server is Jetty instead of my Appache server.

How shall I do for debugging the GWt application and the php Apache
server side using Eclipse?
If you have other best practice to recommend me, I'm ready to do
changing in my dev environment.

Kind regards,


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