So is this a known issue or just something IE8 does?

On Oct 3, 4:27 pm, GeorgeS <> wrote:
> This is a cross-post but I realized I'd posted on the GAE forum and
> this likely belongs here.
> I have a Java app written using GAE and GWT and it makes use of the
> FileUpload control to send a file to a datastore. It has been working
> fine with IE9 and I started testing with other browsers and noticed a
> problem. All of the current crop of browsers seems to work fine on 
> myuploadusing a standard looking GWT form but  whenIE8uploads, the
> onSubmitComplete fires and regardless of what I do IE hangs up.  SinceIE8has 
> around 12% of the browser market I need to find a fix.
> Any ideas?

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