
I've now completely moved to Activities and Places. Works quite nice.
But now I want to make things look more pretty and a bit more

Short about the website: It's a pretty simple Homepage. That means: We
have a menu (for changing places). And a content panel that switches
its activity when the place changes. Nothing special...

The first thing is: In my URL bar there's always the class name of the
place. I think it must be possible to use a custom name?! How can I do

Second: Google says that we should make our Activities a Singleton,
'cause DOM Manipulation is bad ;) I've done that. My app still works
perferctly. Now I want to know if I could make Place a Singleton, too?
A place is a really small object, I know. But why should I recreate
it, if I don't have to?! So, are there any disadvantages saying Gin to
take my Place as Singleton?

(Third question: What do you think is the best way of dealing with
Activities and Places together with MVP? Actually I just moved my
Presenter Code into the Activity classes. Is there anything bad about

Thanks :)

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