Posted  a similar question before but could not get any  concrete answer for
this . Now the problem is back to haunt me  again .  Would appreciate any
help on this , especially with 2.4 GWT APi avilaible , just want to check
back with you guys If this is even possible .

Basically what I want to do is replace  the text typed by a user with
Widgets .  Think of it as a Rich text area where atomically a word if spelt
wrong we get suggestions on the word  and the word gets replaced with the
right one . I want to do something except that the word should get replaced
with a Widget ( which can be vertical , horizontal Panel etc) . I don't have
to implement this in  a text area , i could do this  in any widget .
Thinking of Flow Panel to implement this but my thoughts do not cross
anywhere beyond the flow Panel .

Suggestion Team ?

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