To your youtube comments:

1- Great job with the videos and gwt website. 

2- I think I sent you a message in the gwt google groups. I'm trying to 
understand how to work withSVN and team members. But I haven't found the 
I mean, I uploaded to a svn repo, and we do commit, checkout, update. But 
every time someone do a commit, and then we do update... problems again.. 
then we spend hours fixing parameters and stuff. We waste so many hours with 
Yes, I may sound like an idiot. 

A- What do you remove from the check list when you do the first commit (or 
you use svn:ignore)
I've tried ignoring: 
.settings, .classpath .project

B- Do you use any variable (like GWT-HOME)? I've seen this recommendation 

C- After the others members do the: "checkout project from svn", and enter 
url, and other things. What chan... more <>


Your right svn:ignore, the compilation directories. I usually don't on 
classpath and .settings and .project, but that might be good, so you don't 
screw up another's configuration. I've build ant files to do specific 
project setup options. Once your subordinates setup the project, the 
.classpath shouldn't change much for them. Its best to have 
a consistent approach with dependencies too. When things can go wrong, and 
they do, I create script (sh|bat) to backup of the essentials, and to pass 
around for the others to do. That way, you crash your .classpath, you can 
drag it back with ease.

I've done the same thing, update the .classpath on ubuntu, and it replaces 
it with a windows .classpath and sucks to rebuild that file. I know the 
pain. I typically will tell the others to watch out what they update, 
typically do specific small updates on the /src folder only. 

Conflicts on commit: If your going to be working on the same files, and this 
spans all development types, you'll have to use branches, merge and such, 
but this is a management preference. 

The other way I fix a crash quickly, is create another workspace and setup 
the exact same project frame. This will create the files you'll need to slip 
back into broken project. 

Hope that helps. I'm not sure I answered your questions.
Brandon Donnelson

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