My app uses activities and places. All my places' tokenizers have "prefixes" 
to make bookmarks more readable. instead of calling PlaceController.goTo(new 
Place) i often use (inline)hyperlinks that point to another place or state - 
i think it is more readable and transparent for the user. The problem is: on 
generating /building those links i need the prefix of the respective place, 
at the moment those classes have a string constant with the prefix' value - 
a bad thing, will break as soon as someone changes the prefix. 

at the moment i see two ways to get rid of the "magic" string constants in 
the link-building class:
- let the place implement a "getInlineLink()" - Method(probably specified 
within an interface), the prefix is to be set as an static constant within 
the place
- get the prefix somehow - is there a way to get the value of prefix of a 
place'tokenizer class?
- provide the strings via client bundle constants interface 
- another way or is this all bullshit ?

so what do you suggest?

thx in advance

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