Tanks Thomas for response.
The rare is that AddressView implements Editor<AddreessProxy>

I put the codes below:

*Extract for TerceroNewView*

public interface TerceroNewView extends View, Editor<TercerosProxy> {
  public interface Presenter extends MutablePresenter<TerceroNewView>{


  RequestFactoryEditorDriver<TercerosProxy, ? extends Editor<TercerosProxy>>
      RequestFactory rf);
*Extract for TerceroEditor*

public class TerceroEditor implements TerceroNewView {

  private static TerceroEditorUiBinder uiBinder =

  interface TerceroEditorUiBinder extends UiBinder<SimplePanel,
TerceroEditor> {

  interface Driver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriver<TercerosProxy,
TerceroEditor> {

  private SimplePanel root;

  ClientResource res;

  ValueBoxEditorDecorator<String> name;

  ValueBoxEditorDecorator<String> lastName;

  @UiField(provided = true)
  AddressView address;

  private final TerceroNewView.Presenter presenter;

  public TerceroEditor(
      AsyncProvider<AddressView> addressView,
      @Named(Constans.TerceroNewPresenter) TerceroNewView.Presenter
presenter) {

    this.presenter = presenter;

    addressView.get(new AsyncCallback<AddressView>() {
      public void onSuccess(AddressView result) {
        address = result;

      public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

  private void ini(){
    root = uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this);


*Extract for AddressView:*

  public interface AddressView extends View, Editor<AddressProxy>{

     public interface Presenter extends MutablePresenter<AddressView>{


     HasConstrainedValue<CityProxy> getCitys();

*Extract for AddressEditor:*

public class AddressEditor implements AddressView {

  interface AddressWidgetUiBinder extends UiBinder<HTMLPanel, AddressEditor>

  interface Driver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriver<AddressProxy,
AddressEditor> {

  private static AddressWidgetUiBinder uiBinder =

  private HTMLPanel root;

  private AddressView.Presenter presenter;

  ValueBoxEditorDecorator<String> address;

  ValueBoxEditorDecorator<Integer> number;

  ValueBoxEditorDecorator<String> code;

  @UiField(provided = true)
  SelectorCityView city;

  public AddressEditor(
      AsyncProvider<SelectorCityView> selectorCity,
      @Named(Constans.AddressNewPresenter) AddressView.Presenter presenter)

    this.presenter = presenter;

    // TODO ver si hay otra forma de inicializar las vistas
    selectorCity.get(new AsyncCallback<SelectorCityView>() {
      public void onSuccess(SelectorCityView result) {
        city = result;

      public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

  private void init(){
    root = uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this);

*Extract for TerceroNewPresenter*

public class TerceroNewEditorPresenter implements TerceroNewView.Presenter {

  private final PlaceController placeController;
  private final ErpRequestFactory requestFactory;

  private RequestFactoryEditorDriver<TercerosProxy, ? extends
Editor<TercerosProxy>> terceroDriver;

  public TerceroNewEditorPresenter(final AddressNewPresenter
      final ErpRequestFactory requestFactory, final PlaceController
placeController) {

    this.placeController = placeController;
    this.requestFactory = requestFactory;

  public void goTo(Place place) {

  public void save() {

    RequestContext context = terceroDriver.flush();

    boolean hasClientErrors = terceroDriver.hasErrors();

    if (!hasClientErrors) {

      context.fire(new Receiver<Void>() {

        public void onSuccess(Void response) {
          placeController.goTo(new DefaultPlace());

        public void onViolation(Set<Violation> errors) {

        public void onConstraintViolation(Set<ConstraintViolation<?>>
violations) {


  public void onCreate(final TerceroNewView view) {

    terceroDriver = view.createEditorDriver(requestFactory);

    TercerosRequest context = requestFactory.getTercerosRequest();

    TercerosProxy tercero = context.create(TercerosProxy.class);

    AddressProxy address = context.create(AddressProxy.class);



    terceroDriver.edit(tercero, context);

*Extract for GIN configurations:*


Data sent by Client to Server


Data sent by Server to Client

puede ser null"},
puede ser null"},
puede ser null"}]}

About other question, tanks for sugestion.


A.U.S Cristian Rinaldi

Teléfono Móvil: (0342) 155 238 083


Lisandro de la Torre 2643 Of 5 - 3000 - Santa Fe

Teléfono Fijo: (0342) 483 5138

2011/10/26 Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com>

> On Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:33:55 PM UTC+2, Cristian Rinaldi wrote:
>> Thomas, thanks for the fast responce. I will see if this is causing the
>> error.
>> AddressWidget implements AddressView and Editor for AddressProxy, you say
>> that the AddressView must be extend Editor?
> I'm saying that the type of the "address" field in type TerceroEditor does
> not implement Editor (or IsEditor), so the Editor framework does not treat
> it as an editor. You'll either have to change it to AddressWidget, or make
> AddressView extend Editor.
> Now, one design question.
>> I love MVP, this pattern is very powerfull but, with Activities and Place
>> some thing are dificult.
>> Activities are for when you need navigation, but if want each view has a
>> Presenter, I thought the following:
>>    One interface Presenter for each View, where "View" delegate the logic
>> in the presenter implementation.
>>    Now, presenter is not Activity. When I need navigation, I make a
>> Activity that inject the presenter and delegate in this the logic of View.
>>    I want keep separate in the best forms the concepts of view and
>> presenter, but I want to know if inject the presenter in view is ok.
>>   The presenter have a method called onCreate(T) where T is a View. That
>> method is called when View is initialized after make UiBinder interface.
>>   In the onCreate(T) I inicialize the editor driver, etc.
>>   When I precise a Activity, in the start method I obtain the view, by
>> example, with AsyncProvider, how the View inject Presenter, the Activity
>> delegate logic to Presenter.
>>  I started think this for nested complex widget, for example, load
>> Employees associated with bank accounts, where the Widgets for list of
>> selection and creation bank account is a widget that delegate logic in a
>> presenter that is not Activity.
>>  But, i can use this widget alone in other view where is necesary one
>> Activity.
>>   All this is fine or I've gone crazy?
> I'm not sure I understood what you're coming with. All I can say is that my
> activities are presenters, and in a few cases where a complex "component" is
> to be reused, I have a presenter and view for it that's not an activity. I
> also inject my views within my presenters in their constructors, and the
> presenters "inject themselves" into their view when needed (when the
> activity starts, in my case); this allows the views to have longer lifetime
> as the presenters, because I use short-lived presenters and singleton views.

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