On 10/26/2011 05:03 PM, Wicca wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am very very new to this, but have somehow by hook or by crook,
> managed to create a website with pages, links, paypal widgets, etc.
> However - I do not know how to write html and only understand a very
> small portion of what I read as I look for a solution to my problem.
> Therefore I joined this group to see if there is anyone who is willing
> to assist me.
> What I need is help (by explaining in very simple everyday language)
> in getting rid of huge spaces between PayPal buttons on a registration
> page I created on the website.
> If such a person exists and would reply to this email, I don't think
> it would take much time to fix this issue.
> I've been looking for the answer for hours and while I find references
> to the issue, I can't understand the solutions due to my woeful lack
> of programming skill.
> I will be eternally grateful, truly.
> Thank you,
> Wicca

This is probably not the right list for you. You'll want to learn HTML
and CSS for a start. This not the right group to support that endeavor.

There are many HTML/CSS resources on the web, and your local bookstore
has miles of shelf space devoted to these topics.

Bueno Suerte,

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