I am new to GWT.  I installed the Eclipse plugins and got a sample
project to work using the "New Web Application Project" ( the one with
Greeting Service).
Works great.

Now I experimented with adding my own service.  I used the "GWT Remote
Service" wizard to create as new Remote Service.
It created the Client service, and the server Impl file but not thhe
Async Service.

Code generated looks like this (for client):
public interface TestService extends RemoteService {
         * Utility class for simplifying access to the instance of async
        public static class Util {
                private static TestServiceAsync instance;
                public static TestServiceAsync getInstance(){
                        if (instance == null) {
                                instance = GWT.create(TestService.class);
                        return instance;

But the "TestServiceAsync" interface was not generated.   Its prety
easy to make one myself but all the examples and docs say that it
should be automatically generated.
I made sure that Eclipse automatic builds are on and that the
preferences for "WindowBuilder" -> " GWT" -> "Builder" have "Generate
Async Interfaces for RemoteServices" checked but no go.

My Eclipse Project "Builders" tab doesnt look like anything in the
docs.  (old docs?)   It has listed "Java Builder" , "Google WebApp
Project Validator" , "Google Web Toolkit Project Validator" but no
"GWT Builder".

Any idea what might be missing ?  or should I just go on and create
the interface by hand ?


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