
With help from Adam I got it working. See code below:

List<HasCell<Step, ?>> hasCells = new ArrayList<HasCell<Step, ?>>();

Column<Step, String> imageUpCell = new Column<Step, String>(new
ClickableCellDecorator<String>(new CustomImageCell(16, 16,
"imageLink"))) {
        public String getValue(Step s) {
                if (ct.getVisibleItems().indexOf(s) == 0) {
                        return "images/transppixel_1x1.gif";
                return "images/up_16x16.png";
imageUpCell.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<Step, String>() {
        public void update(int index, Step step, String value) {
                if (value.endsWith("up_16x16.png")) {
                        // Swap implementation

Column<Step, String> imageDownCell = new Column<Step, String>(new
ClickableCellDecorator<String>(new CustomImageCell(16, 16,
"imageLink"))) {
        public String getValue(Step s) {
                if (ct.getVisibleItems().indexOf(s) == ct.getRowCount() - 1) {
                        return "images/transppixel_1x1.gif";
                return "images/down_16x16.png";
imageDownCell.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<Step, String>() {
        public void update(int index, Step step, String value) {
                if (value.endsWith("down_16x16.png")) {
                        // Swap implementation

Column<Step, Step> sortColumn = new Column<Step, Step>(new
CompositeCell<Step>(hasCells)) {
        public Step getValue(Step object) {
                return object;
ct.setColumnWidth(sortColumn, 50, Unit.PX);


On 17 Okt., 19:28, Adam <asnyde...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ImageCells by themselves don't care about click events. What I did was
> made a decorator that wraps any cell to handle click events and
> delegates them to the FieldUpdater:
> public class ClickableCellDecorator<C> implements Cell<C> {
>    private static final String CLICK_EVENT = "click";
>    private final Cell<C> cell;
>    private final Set<String> events;
>    /**
>     * Constructor accepts the cell to be wrapped.
>     *
>     * @param cell
>     *           The wrapped cell.
>     */
>    public ClickableCellDecorator(final Cell<C> cell) {
>       super();
>       this.cell = cell;
>       // Add the click event to the wrapped cell's list of consumed
> events
>       Set<String> wrappedEvents = this.cell.getConsumedEvents();
>       if (wrappedEvents == null || wrappedEvents.isEmpty()) {
>          this.events = Collections.singleton(CLICK_EVENT);
>       } else {
>          this.events = new HashSet<String>(wrappedEvents);
>          this.events.add(CLICK_EVENT);
>       }
>    }
>    @Override
>    public boolean dependsOnSelection() {
>       return cell.dependsOnSelection();
>    }
>    @Override
>    public Set<String> getConsumedEvents() {
>       return events;
>    }
>    @Override
>    public boolean handlesSelection() {
>       return cell.handlesSelection();
>    }
>    @Override
>    public boolean isEditing(
>          final com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context context,
>          final Element parent, final C value) {
>       return cell.isEditing(context, parent, value);
>    }
>    @Override
>    public void onBrowserEvent(
>          final com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context context,
>          final Element parent, final C value, final NativeEvent event,
>          final ValueUpdater<C> valueUpdater) {
>       if (CLICK_EVENT.equals(event.getType()) && valueUpdater != null)
> {
>          valueUpdater.update(value);
>       }
>       cell.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event,
> valueUpdater);
>    }
>    @Override
>    public void render(final com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context
> context,
>          final C value, final SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
>       cell.render(context, value, sb);
>    }
>    @Override
>    public boolean resetFocus(
>          final com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context context,
>          final Element parent, final C value) {
>       return cell.resetFocus(context, parent, value);
>    }
>    @Override
>    public void setValue(final com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context
> context,
>          final Element parent, final C value) {
>       cell.setValue(context, parent, value);
>    }
> }
> It was much easier and more flexible than extending every cell type i
> wanted to be clickable.
> Now you can just use new ClickableCellDecorator(new ImageCell())) and
> you should see events.
> Hope this helps,
> Adam
> On Oct 17, 4:36 am, Thomas Trebbien Pedersen
> <thomas.trebbien.peder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Adam,
> > Yes thank you, this helps a lot - I havn't thought about that.
> > But am now having trouble constructing an CompositeCell with the 2
> > images. Can you help me a bit here with a little code example.
> > I have to do something like this right:
> >         List<HasCell<T, C>> hasCells = new ArrayList<HasCell<T, C>>();
> >         hasCells.add(new HasCell<T, C>() {
> >                 // Setup the image here?
> >         });
> >         hasCells.add(new HasCell<T, C>() {
> >                 // Setup the image here?
> >         });
> >         CompositeCell myCell = new CompositeCell<C>(hasCells) {
> >         // Then add the myCell to the CellTable here
> > Maybe you can help me in the right direction.
> > Thanks,
> > \Thomas
> > On 14 Okt., 19:16, Adam <asnyde...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I use CompositeCell for this type of thing.  Create a composite of 2
> > > cells, each with an image in them, and each cell handling "click"
> > > events.  Each cell can detect clicks in their respective FieldUpdaters
> > > and still be rendered in the same cell.
> > > Hope this helps,
> > > Adam
> > > On Oct 14, 9:41 am, Thomas Trebbien Pedersen
> > > <thomas.trebbien.peder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I have a celltable where I would like to sort the rows by clicking
> > > > either a up or a down arrow. The two sort-direction arrows are placed
> > > > in a single cell on each row.
> > > > Now how do I add a click event to each image? I know a cell has a
> > > > onBrowserEvent(...) put thats for the entire cell right? What about
> > > > multiple images in a cell?
> > > > Does anyone have some good suggestions.
> > > > Thanks.

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