I am using java Play with mvp4g and found out they don't work
together. neither group is able to provide help, because each one is
unfamiliar with the other.

I think the GWT group is best equipped to provide some insight into
this, because it has to do with TypeOracleMediator's use of Thread
based ContextClassLoader.

Let's try this wo getting into Play too much. Play has the ability to
incorporate different modules. One of these modules contributed by an
author is the gwt module. I tested out two projects, with and wo the
use of Play.

case 1, wo Play, the code processes right thru and found presenter and
views represented using mvp4g annotation. the relevant code in gwt2.4
is TypeOracleMediator line 750, inside resolveAnnotationValue() method

      try {
          return Class.forName(valueType.getClassName(), false,
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
          logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Annotation error: cannot
resolve "
              + valueType.getClassName(), e);
          return null;

so, wo Play framework, this call resolves a presenter or view class
and returns a good value.

case 2. same code with Play framework, the call ends with
ClassNotFoundException and returns null.

I checked in both cases, the thread is a daemon thread tie to the
browser request. Why should there be such a difference? anyone has an
idea how to proceed?

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