Hi Thomas,


Was also referred to -> 


On Nov 7, 1:58 am, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Deferred binding only occurs when you use GWT.create(). If you "new
> ViewFactory()", there's no reason you'll be given a TableViewFactory. GWT
> doesn't change Java's semantics.
> What you have to do is to use a distinct Ginjector depending on the form
> factor, and you can re-use the same GinModule(s) for all the shared binding
> configurations, and add a specific GinModule per form factor.
> Unfortunately, you cannot use both a generate-with (GIN's Ginjector) and
> replace-with (chose the right Ginjector depending on form factor), so
> you'll have to use a replace-with rule on a "provider class" for you
> Ginjector:
> interface MyGinjector extends Ginjector {
>    // all your accessors}
> @GinModules(SharedGinModule.class, DesktopGinModule.class)
> interface DesktopGinjector extends Ginjector {
>    // nothing special here; it's only used for the @GinModules annotation}
> @GinModules(SharedGinModule.class, TabletGinModule.class)
> interface TabletGinjector extends Ginjector { }
> @GinModules(SharedGinModule.class, PhoneGinModule.class)
> interface PhoneGinjector extends Ginjector { }
> interface GinjectorProvider {
>    MyGinjector get();}
> class DesktopGinjectorProvider implements GinjectorProvider {
>    public MyGinjector get() { return GWT.create(DesktopGinjector.class); }}
> class TabletGinjectorProvider implements GinjectorProvider {
>    public MyGinjector get() { return GWT.create(TabletGinjector.class); }}
> class PhoneGinjectorProvider implements GinjectorProvider {
>    public MyGinjector get() { return GWT.create(PhoneGinjector.class); }
> }
> <replace-with class="...DesktopGinjectorProvider">
>    <when-type-is class="...GinjectorProvider" />
>    <when-property-is name="formfactor" value="desktop" />
> </replace-with>

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