Hi Folks,

I'm interested in using GWT for building mobile web apps.  I have some
experience developing with GWT for desktop browser based RIA's but
this is my first effort in mobile focused dev.

I'd appreciate it if others would like to join the discussion:

What are your thoughts and impressions on using GWT today for mobile
web apps?
What does Google have planned for increasing GWT's capabilities in
mobile web app development?
Where can I find examples, articles, and tutorials focused on using
GWT for mobile web apps?  (I'm particularly interested in using GWT to
build touch optimized UIs)

I know GWT compiles Java into optimized JS that can run in mobile
browsers.  That's great of course but I'm focusing on mobile optimized
UI's and layouts.

I'm including what I've found so far below (hopefully it will help
others just beginning this journey :).

1.) Google I/O 2011 presentations are great and have been my main
source of info so far:

Chris Ramsdale's "Using GWT and Eclipse to Build Great Mobile Web
Apps" demo's the MobileWebApp sample (more below) and discusses
addressing GWT mobile app performance by using code splitting, client
bundling, app cache (HTML5), and local storage (HTML5).

John Labanca's "GWT + HTML5: A web developers dream!" covers HTML5 and
what it brings to mobile web app development, namely local storage,
canvas (making charts and visualizations), audio, video, drag-n-drop,

2.) MobileWebApp sample in GWT 2.4 distribution.  This is the app used
in Chris Ramsdale's demo.  I'm having problems getting it running in
Eclipse.  Once I've got it running, I'm hoping to better understand
the UI components it uses.  I've already started testing its method
for using deferred binding to send a different view to desktop, mobile
and tablet devices.

3.) HTML5 - Both of the aforementioned Google I/O presentations
discuss using HTML5 for local storage and app caching.

4.) Community projects.  There are a handful of community projects
currently out there that are intended to help developers use GWT to
build mobile web apps: gwtmobile, gwt-touch, gwt-mobile-webkit, gwt-
multi-touch.  I'd be interested in hearing feedback on these projects.

5.) Touch events.  I see there are a number of touch related classes
in the GWT Javadoc.  I'm assuming these are for mobile devices.  Are
there any examples or tutorials out there using these classes?

I hope this wasn't TL;DR.  I hope to get a feel for how others are
using GWT today for building mobile web apps.


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