
A couple of good references:

-> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/wiki/UnderstandingMemoryLeaks

-> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/wiki/DomEventsAndMemoryLeaks



On Nov 9, 5:49 am, Mark Allerton <mark.aller...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sure I'm not the only person who has ever thought that it might be
> possible to use Java-based heap profiling tools to look for memory
> leaks in GWT-based applications, but in practice this has turned out
> to be a little frustrating because at least based on my naive
> interpretation, Hosted Mode leaks pretty much every object that needs
> to be invoked from the native side, apparently by design.
> So my question is, am I missing something?
> To be more specific about what I am seeing, I see many many objects
> referenced only via the ThreadLocal "dispatchObjectCache" in
> JsValueOOPHM. As far as I can tell based on searching the source code,
> objects are only ever put into this cache and none are ever removed.
> I have had some (apparent) success with the Eclipse Memory Analyzer,
> which allows me to exclude refs via Thread.threadLocals when tracing
> from GC roots, but I want to be sure that the references I am
> excluding can in fact be ignored (i.e there is not some way that
> objects are removed from dispatchObjectCache that has escaped my
> attention.)
> Thanks in advance
> ..Mark..

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