I'm trying to use htmlunit as recommended to return ?
_escaped_fragment_ queries by Google's crawler

I ask htmlunit to load my html page which contains a GWT program and
call waitForBackgroundJavaScript().

However the page then returned  by .asXml() has not got any GWT
components. The only processing that has occurred is the insertion of
the following:

<script defer="defer">
<my gwt module name>.onInjectionDone('<my gwt module name>')

I don't know if it's relevant but htmlunit output these cryptic error

SEVERE: runtimeError: message=[Automation server can't create object
for 'ChromeTab.ChromeFrame'.] sourceName=[
com.procyor.Procyor/com.procyor.Procyor.nocache.js] line=[16]
lineSource=[null] lineOffset=[0]

com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.SimpleHTMLParserListener error
SEVERE: Empty document. (http://gaeHack_about/blank 1:6)

Any help appreciated!

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