thanks for posting this, I was just having the same problem!

On 23 Okt., 16:03, Alexander <> wrote:
> A miracle happened, I found the reason.
> <inherits name=""/>
> I don't even know how much time I have spent.
> On Oct 23, 6:13 pm, Alexander <> wrote:
> > Hello.
> > GWT compiler doesn't create directory symbolMaps deploy.
> > Already for a long time I'm trying to solve this problem. Every time I
> > spend on it about a day without results.
> > Folder rpcPolicyManifest created in WEB-INF/deploy folder, but
> > symbolMaps not.
> > I tried to compile and through gwt-maven-plugin and directly through
> >, with custom -deploy.
> > Many people asks how to disable generation of this files but seems
> > that nobody has same problem.
> > Except one 
> > guy:
> > But he has no answer too.
> > GWT version 2.4.0. On 2.3.0 I have same result.

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