this is one of reason why usage of open source libraries for GWT is
very painful. There is lots of code.

So some hints:
- use only parts of third code libraries that you really need
- did you compiled your project with argument -style OBF ? <- this
really helps
- use code split for forms that your users don't need in every time
use - settings forms
- and propably the most important think, compile your project with
compilation report and see where and what is source of your
troubles ... 

Goog luck, mate..maybe you can write libraries that you used?

On 16 lis, 00:41, News Club <nara.rama...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi:
> We have relatively a large GWT project. Our compiled code size (i.e
> *.cache.html) used to be 4.5 MB.
> I have recently included a couple of gwt open source libraries. After that,
> a) The compiler permutations gone from 5 to 59.
> b) The compile time went from 3 mins to 18 mins.
> c) The total size of *.cache.html files went up from 4.5 MB to 40MB.
> I like the benefits of this open source library. But, I would like to know
> what is the impact of *.cache.html file size during runtime?
> Thanks
> Nara

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