getOffsetHeight/Width only returns a value other than 0 if the element has 
been successfully rendered by the browser (possibly including elements that 
have visibility:hidden css).

When you call DeckLayoutPanel.setWidget(w) the DeckLayoutPanel schedules a 
layout command which will be executed after all of your code has been 
executed and just before the browser takes back control (see: 
Scheduler.get().scheduleFinally()). I think this has been done because you 
could call DeckLayoutPanel.setWidget() multiple times in your code, but 
when your code is done, the necessary DOM operations will be executed only 

You can force the DOM operations by calling DeckLayoutPanel.forceLayout() 
just after you have called DeckLayoutPanel.setWidget() and then try to do 
your calculations. But I am not quite sure if its enough. If not, your best 
bet is to defer your calculations until everything has been rendered by the 

final Panel p = ...
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() {
  public void run() {
    p.getOffsetHeight() ... //calculate your stuff

Using a deferred command should definitely work.

-- J.

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