I have one question about deferred binding, chaining generators and
the rule resolution.

I would like to use multiple generators on the same set of classes
implementing a particular interface. Seems like I'm overlooking
something or it does not work. I also checked any documentation but
could not find anything.

------------Imagine case A:

  interface First {}
  class AnyClass implements First {}

  class FeatureGenerator extends com.google.gwt.core.ext.Generator {}
  class DifferentFeatureGenerator extends
com.google.gwt.core.ext.Generator {}

  <generate-with class="FeatureGenerator">
      <when-type-assignable class="First" />
  <generate-with class="DifferentFeatureGenerator">
      <when-type-assignable class="First" />

This does not work, the compiler only executes the last generator on
class AnyClass, the first one is never touched.

------------Imagine case B:

  interface First {}
  interface Second {}
  class AnyClass implements First, Second {}

  class FeatureGenerator extends com.google.gwt.core.ext.Generator {}
  class DifferentFeatureGenerator extends
com.google.gwt.core.ext.Generator {}

  <generate-with class="FeatureGenerator">
      <when-type-assignable class="First" />
  <generate-with class="DifferentFeatureGenerator">
      <when-type-assignable class="Second" />

In fact exactly the same result, the compiler only executes the last
generator on class AnyClass, the first one is never touched.

Is there any solution for chaining generators, so that e.g.
FeatureGenerator is invoked first and then the
DifferentFeatureGenerator is invoked on the code that the previous
invocation on FeatureGenerator produced?
Does anyone have another idea of how to solve this without chaining

kind regards

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