
What is the correct way of using EntityProxyId<ProxyType> as a service
method parameter?

This question was asked at least once since the release of gwt2.1.1
but was never answered.
I tried to use EntityProxyId<DomainTypeProxy> on the client side and
DomainType on server side but it wouldn't work.
As the app I'm working on is still on 2.1 this was not a pressing
issue for me so I put it aside for a while occasionally trying it
again on each new gwt release until now. In the mean time I upgraded
the app to 2.4 and would like to use EntityProxyId's as method
Luckily this time around there is RF validator thingy so I decided to
try once more and just added a client side method to one of my
RequestContexts, similar to;

abstract Request<List<DocumentProxy>> findDocumentsByProject
(EntityProxyId<ProjectProxy> projectId)

I did this without defining the server side counterpart, just to see
what would RF Validator have to say about it.
Validators response was that it can't find service method with
signature I kind of expected to see;

public static List<Document> findDocumentsByProject (Project

After that, I implemented adequate service method and all was fine
until I started the app in dev mode. All I got was deferred binding
exception originating from RequestFactoryGenerator. The exception
message was "Invalid request parametrisation" and it just flat-out
refused EntityProxyId<T> as method parameter. Which is quite contrary
to original design goal from 2.1.1 "A service method declared in a
RequestContext can take parameters of EntityProxyId type to avoid the
need to find() an object just to use it as a method parameter"

It seems to me that either I'm "holding it wrong TM" and
EntityProxyId's are to be used in a different way as method
parameters, although it seems not very likely since RF Validator was
ok with it.

It's either that or there is something missing from
more precisely its validateTransportableType method which throws the
exception when it encounters EntityProxyId.

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