Using GWT 2.1, I have a WCF web service with a simple interface and I
am trying to call it using RequestBuilder as follows:

String url = "http://localhost/EmployeeService/Service1.svc/web/
    RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET,

    try {
        builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback(){

            public void onResponseReceived(Request request,  Response
response) {
                if(200 == response.getStatusCode()){

            public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception)
                System.out.println("error=" + exception.getMessage());

    }catch(Exception e){

The service returns the following JSON and I have verified that in
Firebug as well as Fidler:

                "Line1":"22 High Street",

                "Line1":"59 Low Street",
                "Line1":"33 No Entry Road",

        "Name":"Done It"

However when I look at the response.getText() it truncates the JSON to
the following:

[{"Id":2,"Name":"JHGFFF"},{"Id":10,"Name":"Done It"}]

Very weired ??

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