OK, fixed...

What you need to do is set the -startupUrl<context>/<project>.html

In other words, the fully qualified hostname and port, and then it
works just fine.

Sorry about that.


On Feb 6, 4:24 pm, Alan Chaney <a...@mechnicality.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I needed to use Tomcat instead of Jetty, so I did the following:
> 1. Converted the project to 'faceted' and added the Dynamic Web App
> facet to the project.
> 2. Added my "library projects" to the Deployment Assembly list
> 3. Started tomcat using the J2EE Server tab just like any other web project
> 4. Started GWT with the following eclipse run configuration
> -remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -noserver -port
> 8080 -startupUrl <context>/<project>.html -war <path-to>\<context>\war
> -logLevel INFO -port 8080 -codeServerPort 9997 <module-file>
> where context is the web app context (in other words, the name of the
> war), <project> is the name of the project and <module-file> is the gwt
> module.
> And it all worked! In fact, my to my surprise the debug and hosted mode
> worked great and its possible to start tomcat in either debug or
> non-debug mode to debug the server-side code if required. Joy! But
> sadly, there is one problem - each time I restart gwt I have to put
> -port 8080 back into the run configuration, because with annoying
> regularity, as soon as there is -noserver in the run configuration GPE
> removes the port number when I restart.
> I think this is a bug. If anyone has any comments, please let me know,
> otherwise I'll file a bug report.
> Eclipse Helios/  Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.6
> 2.5.1.v201201120043-rel-r36 /Win 7 x64
> Regards
> Akab

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