Hi everybody ,

I'm just a beginner of GWT , so here's my question;
i'm currently developping a project with GWT and i saw the sample
site  http://gwt.google.com/samples/Showcase/Showcase.html  and i
really liked the widgets so i would like to use this widgets in my
projects as they are in showcase project..I have an idea to use them
like ( but i'm not sure if it's the right way to do that.);
-i imported the showcase project in Eclipse and i made it work.
-with    right click on the project -> export -> jar  (Showcase.jar
for example), i made the project like JAR file to use the widgets in
my project.
- i put the JAR file to   var/lib  folder of my project  and added to
my projects's classpath.

when i try to add widgets with  RootPanel.get().add()  and run , there
were a lot of errors.
in short, what i want to ask is there a way to use Showcase  sample
widgets in my project and is my way wrong to do that ?

Thanks in advance.

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