The rebinding is how all of the GWT.create calls work, to build browser 
specific implementations of most of those (mostly to deal with browser 
differences), and to generate the needed source for a few (mostly 
i18n/clientbundle interfaces and RPC). This is perfectly normal, and 

As for addressing your speed issues, this is only something that should be 
happening when running dev mode, or when compiling to source - it should 
never affect the performance of the application when it is running in 
production mode. Newer versions of GWT provide the ability to cache 
generated classes, and only re-rebind them when dependent classes/files 
have changed - this might speed up dev mode, especially after the first 
page load.

Split points (which is what I think you are referring to as 'code 
breaking') will help some aspects of production mode performance, 
specifically how much code is downloaded/parsed when the page first loads 
(depending on how your app is structured, see the SOYC report for more 
details), but isn't likely substantially change dev mode performance, and 
will probably make compiling the app take somewhat longer.

On Sunday, February 26, 2012 12:42:54 PM UTC-6, Killian wrote:
> Hi Lads,
> Just wanted to get an advice with respect to my gwt app running pretty 
> slow. I'm not very good with respect to display issue so apologies in 
> advance if this question sounds obvious.
> In order to speed up the app I've followed instructions in the GWT website 
> and used extensively code breaking. Although it did make some improvements 
> it's still pretty slow.
> When looking in to the development mode console, I can see a lot of 
> rebinding is going on. Would that be a reason why it's running so slow or 
> is it normal for a gwt to be doing so many rebindings?
> Thanks in advance for your advice,
> Killian
> Console output extract:
> Rebinding
> Rebinding
> Rebinding
> Rebinding com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.image.XImages
> Rebinding
> Rebinding com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.messages.XMessages
> Rebinding
> Rebinding
> Rebinding com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.core.impl.ComputedStyleImpl
> Rebinding
> Rebinding
> Rebinding
> Rebinding
> Rebinding
> Rebinding
> Rebinding

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